When you decide to launch your website, one of the most important decisions that you need to make is the choice of the web hosting service. There are various hosting services available, like Shared Hosting, Cloud Hosting, VPS Hosting, Dedicated Server Hosting, etc. that are designed to suit the varying demands of websites. While most site owners prefer Linux Hosting with cPanel, it is important to remember that there is no perfect plan for all sites. Each site is unique and demands a specific combination of features and resources to help it perform optimally.
Today, we will talk about why you need to identify your web hosting needs before you buy a hosting plan.
The importance of buying the right web hosting service
To make your website available online, you need to store it on a web server. You can purchase or rent a server and keep it on your premises. This will be like a Dedicated Server that will have only your site stored on it. Hence, you will be able to use the RAM, CPU, bandwidth, and other computing resources dedicatedly. However, these servers are costly (to buy and rent). Also, you will need a certain level of technical knowledge to manage and maintain the webserver.
The other option is to opt for a web hosting service. There are hosting companies that purchase multiple web servers and keep them in a data centre. They offer space on these servers to site owners to store their websites and be available online. These servers can be dedicated or shared. Based on the resources allotted to you, the hosting company will charge a certain amount every month. Every hosting plan has certain benefits and disadvantages. Hence, to ensure optimum site performance, it is important to buy the right web hosting service.
How to determine which hosting service is right for you?
When you decide to buy a web hosting service, it is easy to get confused due to the range of options available. However, before you embark on this journey and try to find your way through the maze, it is important to remember that a hosting service is good only if it caters to your site’s requirements.
Tips forfinding the best hosting service for your site:
- Will I be creating a static site or a dynamic site?
This is important since the resource requirement of a static site is much lower than a dynamic site. - How much storage space do I need?
While some sites are primarily text-driven with a few images, others are image/media-heavy. Buying adequate space on the server is essential to ensure uninterrupted performance. - Will my site have server-side code?
This is a little technical to understand and if you have employed the services of a web developer, then ask if he/she is using server-side code on the site. Some examples of such code are Java, PHP, etc. If the answer is affirmative, then ensure that the server has the required software to support it. - Will my site have a store?
This is important since a store implies financial transactions. Hence, you will need a hosting service that is highly secure and can ensure the safety of financial information being shared by your clients. - How much bandwidth would I need?
There are many ways of calculating the bandwidth requirements of your site. This is important since having enough bandwidth ensures that your site performs optimally. If you aren’t sure about your bandwidth requirements, you can opt for a plan with unmetered bandwidth.
Summing Up
As you can see, identifying the hosting needs of your website can help you find the perfect hosting plan and keep you on top of the web hosting plan. With Shared Hosting Plans, VPS, Cloud, and Dedicated Servers, picking the right one simply based on the server or affordability can be counterproductive. However, when you break the hosting needs down into smaller parts, you can look for the ideal plan that suits your website. Good Luck!
If you are looking to buy a Shared Hosting plan, here are five questions you need to ask your hosting provider: