Eyes are the most important and evolved features in the animal kingdom. We gain most of the information, experiences, and memories through eyes. What is interesting is the fact that animals have incredible eyes compared to humans though we exhibit a brilliant vision.
The eye function or basic principle of the eyes is to focus light onto the retina and transmute the resultant image into neurological signals in the brain. There are various adaptations depending upon what an animal has to do to survive. In humans, however, the significant adaptations are depth perception, ability to detect motion and color vision.
It is usually considered that the birds of prey have the best eyes in the animal kingdom, as they have their eyes on the sides of their head. If you think, eagles have the best eyes ever, you might be in for a surprise as they do not. Though they may be the kings of the daytime skies, their eyes are not adapted to do everything.
Here is a list of animals with the best pair of eyes:
- Topping the list are the bluebottle butterflies. They may not have a very sharp vision as humans do, but there are other factors with which they can beat human eyes. They can perceive fast-moving objects and have larger visual fields. They have the ability to distinguish polarized light and ultraviolet. As per reports, each of their eyes is equipped with a staggering fifteen types of photoreceptors, the light detecting cells necessary for color vision, whereas humans possess only three different types of cones to detect color.
- Owls surpass when it comes to night vision. Their eyes do not move in the sockets and hence spin their heads. To see in the dark, they are enabled with a rod density five times denser than humans and have large eyes. The eye structure consists of a layer behind the retina(the tapetum lucidum) that reflects the light back to the retinas once more, thereby contributing to the sharpness in the night vision.
- Sharks have well-adapted eyes to be able to see in oceans. Like owls, sharks possess the protective layer, the tapetum lucidum which allows them to see through cloudy water.
- The mantis shrimp has the most complicated eyes. Their eye stalks move independently. They have many distinct low-resolution screens rather than one single image which transmits information to the brain. The mantis shrimp has photoreceptors of twelve types.
Few other animals that require a mention are Hawks, Prosimians, Cats, Dragonflies, Falcons, Chameleons.
As much as the animal kingdom shows diversity with its distinct animal features, the plant kingdom also exhibits tremendous diversity. To understand the advanced features of plants, we descend to the basic structure of plants, the plant cell. The plant cells form the fundamental building blocks of the entire plant, hence it necessitates to comprehend right from its basic structure and composition which is best learned through the site. The plant cell diagram gives an in-depth insight into the ultrastructure, thereby enabling a better understanding of each structure, their individual functionalities and significance.
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