When looking for a hosting server, most site owners start hosting their websites using Shared Hosting since it is affordable and easy to get started. As the site grows, you start looking at other hosting servers to cater to the increased demand. There are many options to choose from, like VPS Servers, Cloud Hosting Servers, Dedicated Servers, etc.
A Dedicated Hosting Server offers maximum control over the hosting environment since there is a single website residing on a webserver, unlike most other hosting types. Hence, a Dedicated Hosting plan is costlier than other plans. Therefore, before you decide to migrate to a Dedicated Server, it is important to assess if your site really needs it. In this article, we will offer some pointers to help you identify the right time to switch to Dedicated Server Hosting.
Before we understand the right time, let us look at the reasons why a move to Dedicated Server is necessary:
The right time to switch to Dedicated Server Hosting
1. You need better management of site traffic
One of the first indicators of a problem with your hosting plan is inefficient site traffic management. A lot depends upon the type of site you have. A static site is not as demanding on the server as a dynamic site. However, if you observe that your current hosting plan is not being able to manage the increased site traffic despite increasing resources, then you might have to start considering moving to an upgraded server.
In services like Shared Hosting, VPS Hosting, and Cloud Hosting, the server is shared between multiple users. While the hosting providers allow resource scalability, there is a limit to which the shared server can handle site traffic.
A Dedicated Server, on the other hand, allocates all resources and computing power to your site. Further, you can choose the configuration of the server based on the volume of traffic to ensure optimum performance.
2. Your site needs better security
All hosting plans offer optimum security to keep online threats at bay. However, when the server is shared, there are multiple points of entry, making it more susceptible to such an attack. If you are not satisfied with the security of your site and are looking for a server that allows you to control all security measures, then a Dedicated Server is a good option. Most providers offer Managed Dedicated Server Hosting in India, where a team of technical experts manages the security tasks on your behalf.
3. Your site has evolved and needs a customized environment
As your site grows, you might add features to it to create a memorable site experience. Shared servers cannot offer customization options since any change impacts all users on the server. While VPS plans offer customizability, there is a limit to it since the physical server is shared. This is where Dedicated Servers can be the best option too. Being the sole user of the server allows you to make any change to the hardware and configuration settings, and install any application. Hence, you can create a customized hosting environment for your site.
Summing Up
There are many providers offering a Dedicated Server in India. Before you make the purchase, assess your site’s requirements, compare providers and plans, and buy the perfect Dedicated Hosting plan for your site. Good Luck!