A good shipping company like SME Shipping Company provides various services in all the sectors domestically or internationally such as:
- Send express document overseas:
This is a service where customers can send mail to foreign countries (ส่งไปรษณีย์ไปต่างประเทศ which is the term in Thai)), and receive urgent mail documents 1-5 days with convenient and fast services. SME shipping international express delivery service providers around the world through world class shipping companies such as DHL, Express, and TNT for Asian countries
- Express delivery to foreign countries:
You can now send your parcel cheaply to anywhere around the world. Parcel delivery service is now faster than anyone because of the modern technologies.
- Delivery service for E-commerce business group:
There are special privileges for international E-commerce business group to cover every delivery requirement of B2B, B2C and C2C business groups on the internet or selling E-commerce products.
- Shippers:
Freight services to all around the world by serving to foreign countries the service are fast and cheap and the modern technology made it easy to trade through the seas.
- Deliver goods by car to neighboring countries:
Now apart from trading through seas they now also deliver goods by car to neighboring countries. Overseas delivery service is also done by car services as it takes 3-5 working days normally.
- Packing service:
Packaging services is also done by some companies. Packing service help your parcel deliver safely to your location. Because it is light weight and your parcel remain safe.
- Product import service:
Companies also offer full range of services for goods whether they are small or big. They believe in customer satisfaction at every level. With the team always ready to solve your problems for you, they are always committed to give quality services.