What is the respiratory system?

Humans have different organs in our body that often tend to function in a different manner in all the ways to come. When we are looking at the different patterns through the body actually functions. One of the prime factors here is the respiratory system. This is the system that actually helps in the flow of oxygen in the body. This is one function that have the indolent of all the vital body parts and that will help us understand the functionality of the same as well.

The human respiratory primarily  consists of three major parts: the airway(s) that helps in the flow of air, the lung(s)  that is the prime organ responsible for inflow of air and the respiratory muscle(diaphragm) that help in pumping the air in and out of the lungs. The air way carries oxygen to the lungsand in the process it tends to expels carbon dioxide to the exterior. In the further process the lungs exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide and subsequently the respiratory muscles is the one that will be able to make the whole system work.

The airway that is the passage of the air tract will consist of an upper airway, which is the nose, mouth, throat, and trachea (windpipe), and then we will also have a lower airway. The lower airway is the trajectory that begins in the chest, this is the place where the human body hasthe trachea splits into two tubes, and one of them is called the main stembronchi that will go into the go to one of the lungs.  This is one of the ways that felicitates the flow of oxygen into the human body. Thebronchi in the subsequent process will continue to split into smaller and smaller airways, and then this will eventually split into even smaller airways called bronchioles. In the next process what we can see is that this is the one in which split even further, until they become tiny airways called terminal bronchioles.  The respiratory process is the one where the flow of the air is maintained. In the lungs we will have the terminalbronchioles thathave microscopic air sacs called alveoli. In the human body we will actually have millions and millions of alveoli. We will notice here that the walls of the alveoli are incredibly thin, and they are surrounded by tiny capillaries that will help in the flow of oxygen into the human body. Oxygen passes from the alveoli into the capillaries;in this process what we can notice is that we will be having the carbon dioxide that is being extracted from the blood. The carbon dioxide is exhaled from the lungs, and oxygen is inhaled, and delivered to the cells. This is one of the processes that will help us to deliver the different parts of the body. Now what we can always see is that when we are looking for the blood to get accumulated thud the oxygen that is present in the blood will help to make it more lucid and the flow of the blood becomes even easier.

Thus with the study of the human respiratory system is so very important because that way we will be able to understand as to what are the different functions of this respiratory system. There are actually three primary functions:

  1. It supplies oxygen to the body. The blood cells carry the oxygen to the different parts of the body and this is also one of the reasons that the body is active.
  2. The proper functioning of the respiratory system will help eliminate the carbon dioxide from the body
  3. The respiratory system will help us to maintain acid-base balance in the body that is so very important because this is only with a good base that we will be able to maintain a healthy diet.

So, this is important that we should be able to understand the actual functioning of the respiratory system and for that it is important that we should maintain a healthy life style. We should always have healthy lungs because with weak lungs we will not be able to maintain a proper health and then chances are that our body will become weak.


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