The laser cutting process entails the use of computerized design to assist with the cutting procedure for accuracy. CO2 lasers were introduced in the early 1970s, due to which cutting non-metals like fabrics became easier. Since then, 3 different kinds of lasers have become popular: Nd and Nd-YAG, fiber lasers, and CO2 lasers.
CO2 lasers are very common lasers due to the flexibility it offers. They can cut or engrave titanium, steel, wood, stainless steel, plastic, etc.
Why are laser fumes harmful?
Laser beams are dangerous in the cutting and engraving process as laser-generated air particles are discharged. In essence, aerosols, chemical gases, or smoke can be produced while a laser beam interacts with several materials. Read further to know the advantages of using a laser cutter fume extractor.
Advantages of laser fume extractors
Laser fume extractors are the ideal resource to fight against these harmful contaminants. Many laser fume extractors use a fan, pulling fumes and particles in via a filter. This filter eliminates the harmful air of these fumes and discharges filtered air back into the work area. It is vital to remember that laser cutting is not only industry that fume extraction systems live in. They can be found in any industry doing sanding, spraying, welding, powder filling, and several chemical applications.
Air filtration and laser fumes
Those buildings in which laser cutting happens will possibly require to include some filtration and ventilation alternatives for trapping hazardous fumes and particulates. Lots of filters will be required for filtration systems and replaced out whenever appropriate.
Charcoal filters use the chemical absorption method, which is quite useful as they are good for filtering vapours and other gases. But, to hold all hazardous materials, HEPA filters will have to be utilized as well. With HEPA filters, dust and metal fumes will be trapped too. With both charcoal and HEPA filters functioning in tandem, emissions from all kinds of substances are likely to get trapped.
However, filters are not the lone solution. HVAC exhaust units will be required, too, to get rid of the contaminants. In addition, fume extractors can also be utilized in smaller spaces like small companies or schools.
Laser dust hazards
- Metal fume fever
- Irritation
- Contact to carcinogens
- Accumulation of nasty chemicals in the body
Search more to get detailed info on laser fume extractor: choosing a laser fume extractor.