What are Some Important Tips to Help You Maintain Your Aligners Clean?

Invisalign treatment is a way to improve your personality because it helps people straighten their teeth without the hassles of wired braces. If you don’t have straight teeth, it affects your smile and personality. You tend to hide your smile, and it affects your confidence. Various treatments can be used for strengthening your teeth. 

However, the traditional wire brace treatment is inefficient and creates oral hygiene problems. 

So, we have a new form of invisible aligners that are bringing a transformative result. However, 

it is essential to maintain these aligners and keep them clean. So, in this article, we will discuss how to keep them clean. If you are searching for aligner service centers in Richmond, you can search for them in your area. There are top-notch services like SureSmile Clear Aligners in Richmond, IN, where you can get the best services. 

What are Some Important Tips to Maintain Your Invisalign? 

  • Remove the Aligners While Eating and Drinking: It is always better to remove your aligners while eating and drinking, especially at home. It will keep them clean, and you will also be comfortable eating. It is essential to take out your aligners to keep them clean. Food and drinks can stain the aligners, and therefore, you must ensure to remove them. Invisalign is customized to fit your teeth’s structure and can be removed and put again for your betterment. 
  • Always Store the Aligners in the Aligners Case: Doctors recommend using the aligners for around 20-22 hours; therefore, you must use them for these hours of rest. You can keep them in aligner cases. This will protect them from losing and keep them free from bacteria and dirt. 
  • Use Soft Bristle Toothbrushes: Soft bristle brushes with mild toothpaste and warm water will help keep your aligners clean. You have to pay extra attention as there can be areas where the food can get stuck. So, regular oral hygiene is essential to maintain your aligners. 
  • Floss it Carefully: You should keep your teeth and aligners clean by brushing and flossing them regularly. Proper oral hygiene will keep your teeth healthy and clear. It is generally recommended that you brush it twice daily with a paste containing fluoride and floss it regularly. 
  • Rinse the aligners when you take them out: Whenever you go out, you should try to rinse them properly so there are no marks or stains on the aligners. You can use lukewarm water for rinsing, which kills the dirt and worms. 


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