Overcoming an addiction to opioids can be very difficult to do. There were more than 2 million people in the U.S. battling an opioid addiction in 2017, many of which wanted to quit but didn’t know how to do it. Quitting opioids cold turkey isn’t easy because the withdrawal symptoms can be so intense. There are many addicts who have success with their addiction recovery by using methadone to help make the process easier for them.
What Is Methadone Really?
Methadone is a Schedule II drug. This means that the federal government has deemed it to be effective when treating drug addiction to opioids, but addicts can become dependent on it if it isn’t taken properly. In order to get methadone, you have to be prescribed it by medical professional.
You Should Never Get Methadone From Someone Who Isn’t a Medical Professional
The problem with methadone is that it is now being sold on the streets without any medical supervision. This can be dangerous because using methadone improperly can cause you to develop severe mental and physical impairments that can lead to major issues in the future. Proper dosing is essential when it comes to methadone use, and drug addiction treatment needs to consist of more than just taking methadone. You need to get mental help for your addiction while you are overcoming your physical addiction to the drug in order to have maximum success.
Talk to Your Doctor
When you are ready to overcome your addiction, and especially if you are considering taking methadone to help, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about your situation. He or she may be licensed to provide you with the prescription that you need. Just because your doctor is licensed to practice medicine, it doesn’t necessarily mean he or she can provide you with the prescription that you need. Doctors have to go through certain training and certification before they can prescribe methadone.
Talk to Your Insurance Company
Believe it or not, some methadone treatment is covered under most insurance policies. You need to talk to your insurance company to find out what treatment is covered and if you have to go to a specific treatment facility in order to have the care covered by your policy. There are some insurance companies that will only cover treatment that involves in-patient care because they know how important it is to have psychological treatment coincide with the physical treatment of your addiction. You will need to find out if there is a minimum amount of time you need to spend in a rehab facility in order to have the care covered, and if there are certain facilities that are covered others that aren’t.
Talk to Your Local Rehab Facilities
Most rehab facilities have grants or scholarship programs available to help people who can’t afford to get addiction recovery assistance on their own. The posts are typically very limited, so you need to contact them right away. Let them know that you are looking for methadone near me and need to know what options are available. You can find out if they have payment plans available or if you can file for a scholarship or grant to get the care that you need. It may take time before you are able to get into the facility though, because they often work on a first-come, first-serve basis. The sooner you can talk to the facility, the better though.
Talk to Friends and Family
Addiction is a disease. When one person in a family is battling addiction, there is a good chance that someone else in the family has already gone through the struggle in the past. Talking to your friends and family about what steps they have taken to overcome their addiction can help you to get motivation and help you find a treatment program that will fit your needs as well. It’s best to talk to people who have been able to overcome their addiction and stay clean for an extended period of time so that you can have peace of mind that the program worked well for them.
Go to a Recovery Program
Many local churches have recovery groups where former addicts can get together to discuss their addiction and steps that they have taken in order to be able to avoid relapsing. Going to these groups can help you see that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that you shouldn’t give up on yourself. It can also help you find out about different recovery options that are available to you, because you’ll be surrounded by a plethora of people who all went through the same struggle as you and were able to get the help that they needed. Be upfront and honest with them about your financial situation and how willing you are to get the help. There is a good chance that the group may have a fund in place designated to helping other addicts get out of the black hole of addiction.
Overcoming an addiction takes hard work and a lot of dedication. Going to an inpatient treatment facility to get methadone will make overcoming the physical addiction easier, but the psychological help you get will be even more life changing. You will gain the tools that you need to learn how to handle the stress of life in a positive way and to decrease the chances of relapsing in the future. There is no set timeline that every person has to fit into when it comes to addiction recovery. Some people take just a few weeks to overcome their addiction while others take months to reach success. The struggle with addiction is going to be more of a mental battle than anything else. You need to make sure that you are mentally prepared to battle your addiction if you want to have the most success possible.