Product description
This type of certificate provides for some uniqueness and security features. It is also equivalent to a physical signature in the real sense.
The certificate contains a coded or just a message for subscriber’s public key that associates the information to the owner or subscriber.
The certificate can be found by downloading it form a trusted sight after some verification of the source.
Class 2 certificate can always be issued to the owners or sometimes assigned to devices for example MTNTRUSTLINES DIGITAL CERTIFICATE.
The authentication and use of certificate must be clearly outlined for that subscriber.
Class 2 digital signature are used mostly in areas such as filling of electronic taxes and LLP in cooperation e-filling.
This online service is based on the way consumers and the business entities find it comfortable in working with it.
For example, The MCA21 type is created in such away that it allows for class 2 & 3 digital signature certificate.
Class 1, class 2 and class 3 digital certificate signature are the major certificates that are mostly used by e-companies or government ministries are they help in collection of taxes and VAT.
Class 2 digital signature, class 2 certificate and class 2 digital signature for gst came to existence in the market as the number of e-commerce business enlarged into the recent past.
In further classifications, class 2 are majorly used for LLP and IT return e-filling, while class 3 these are used for e-tendering.
How to purchase class 2 Digital signature
Buying this signature certificate scan be done online by first logging into the providers site.
Then process describe above will be repeated for any of the class 2 digital signature, class 2 certificate and class 2 digital signature for goods and services Tax.
It has made the authentication and registration process very easy.
The companies that deals in providing the class 2 digital signature, class 2 certificate and class 2 digital signature for goods and services tax are also available online.
This factor makes it easy to provide for many customers at once.
Digital signature certificates are nowadays a must tools in the business and paying taxes for the services and goods become more flexible.
Class 2 became mandatory to assist in the revenue collection through goods and services tax, in many countries.
It is also easy to buy and its cost is less than a class 3 digital signature certificate.
A Class 2 digital signature certificate is a type of certificate issued to an organization or individual after his/her identity is checked and verified on a trusted database. Its like a digital key offered by the authorities to check the validity and credibility of the certificate holder.
It comprises of the user’s full name, country of residence, pin code, a valid email address, date of issue of the certificate, the name of the certifying authority and the digital sign that entity.
The digital signature certificate is used mainly to check the identity of the document filer while filling documents for regulatory purposes to avoid fraud or access to private information. It authenticates the user electronically and ensures high level of security of the information shared through a digital signature certificate. It confirms that the information in the subscribe application is true as per the information in the database.
Class 2 digital signature certificate is mandatory in countries like India for an individual to register for GST (Goods and service Tax). More so. Companies that fall under MCA21 e-Governance program in India have to use a digital signature certificate that identifies the permitted signatory of the company. Most government departments and websites are currently accepting class 2 digital signature certificate for most operations.
This operation includes; Secure web-based transactions and identification of the other users of such transactions.
Signing web forms.
Filling income tax documents.
Access membership-based websites automatically without needing a password.
Form 16 application.
Online transfer claims.
Registration of companies.
A class 2 certificate is issued by a person who has been given a license to issue digital signature certificates under section 24 of the India IT-Act 2000.
The digital certificate is given for a maximum period of two years after which the certificates either for official purpose or for personal purpose.
Class 2 digital signature in India are required to electronically file their documents with the ministry of corporate Affairs and income tax department.
Apply For Digital Signature : https://signyourdoc.com/