The Unheard Impact of Cultural Practices On Oral Health

Oral Health

If you think that oral health has always been about toothbrushes and toothpaste, you have another thing coming. The dental hygiene that you see today is highly influenced by traditional cultures. This area is often ignored and overlooked in the dental industry. However, it can be fun and informative to learn about them. 

California is home to a diverse population coming from various traditions and cultures. You will find people incorporating the knowledge from their beliefs into their dental hygiene routine. It is important to understand how these work to take their advantage. 

If you are curious about a particular method, you can consult with your dentist about it on your next visit to a Fountain Valley dental practice.

Cultural practices in oral health 

Chewing sticks in African cultures

 Chewing sticks are made from the twigs or roots of certain plants. They have been a prevalent method of cleaning teeth in African communities. They work as natural toothbrushes and contain antibacterial properties. You will particularly find them being used in Muslim countries as they reflect their beliefs about dental hygiene. 

Oil pulling in Asian countries

Oil pulling is widely practiced in Asian countries, especially in India. The technique involves taking some amount of sesame or coconut oil in your mouth and swishing it for a few minutes. It is believed that it removes toxins and improves overall oral health. In fact, it is considered to be a holistic approach that prevents oral diseases as well. 

Miswak usage in Middle Eastern countries

Miswak is somewhat similar to the chewing sticks in Africa, except that Miswak only uses a certain plant twig, that is, the Salvadora persica tree. It is regarded for its antibacterial properties and has been mentioned in Islamic teachings. Therefore, it holds religious significance as well. 

Teeth blackening in South East Asia and oceanic countries

The practice of teeth blackening, also known as ohaguro, is a dental practice done to improve the beauty of your smile. The method involves mixing iron fillings and vinegar together and applying it to your teeth. 

This is believed not just to improve your smile’s aesthetics but to protect your teeth against cavities. It symbolizes beauty, maturity, and social status within these cultures. 

Ritualistic tooth filling

People, including California residents, usually do not get tooth fillings unless it is necessary. However, things are a bit different in some African tribes and Indonesian communities. Tooth filling is performed as a ritual. It signifies maturity and reflects social identity. It is also believed that tooth fillings can prevent the evil eye from jealousy. 

Modern innovations in Japan

Do you have a crooked tooth? You might be a catch in Japan! The Japanese culture has a blend of traditional and modern values. They celebrate something called the “yaeba,” which literally means “intentionally crooked tooth.” 

This is changing the beauty standards associated with the straightness of a smile. People in Japan are found to spend money on dental procedures to make their teeth crooked. 

Children’s tooth traditions

Oral Health

You must have heard about the tooth fairy. Parents in California often tell their young children about the tooth fairy to remove the fear associated with losing baby teeth. While this is the most popular practice, there are others as well. 

For instance, children in Spanish and Latin countries leave teeth under pillows for Ratoncito Pérez (tooth fairy). Other rituals involve burying or tossing teeth to strengthen and improve the health of adult teeth. 

Natural herbal remedies in indigenous cultures

Natural herbal remedies, such as neem and clove, are widely used in indigenous cultures for their antibacterial properties. They are often used to treat dental ailments, such as pain or swelling. 

Protect your smile with the right knowledge!

While it is important to learn about different cultures and history, traditional methods are not a replacement for modern dental hygiene. Book your dental appointment in Fountain Valley today!


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