The Best Roles of Turbines in Power Plants

The wing wind stations, which are leading in the wind energy market, have already become familiar. On a high dream, a blade mechanism is installed with a horizontal axis of rotation, predominantly three-bladed, and its power depends on the span of the blades.

Maximum Speeds for You

The maximum speed of such a unit reaches when the blades are perpendicular to the wind flow, therefore its design provides for an automatic rotation of the axis of rotation in the form of a stabilizer wing in small and electronic yaw control systems at more powerful stations. Vane wind farms differ mainly in the number of blades. They can be multiblade, two-bladed, even with one blade and counterweight.

Best Details You Need

Rotor, or carousel, wind GIGA Turbines power plants have a vertical axis of rotation and do not depend on the wind direction. This is an important advantage when using ground-level prowling air currents. The disadvantage of wind power plants of this design is the use of multipolar generators, which operate at low speeds and are not widely used.

  • These installations are low-speed and, as a result, do not create much noise. In addition, their advantage is the simplicity of electrical circuits, which are not disturbed by occasional sudden gusts of wind. Experts believe that rotary wind power plants are the most promising for large wind power. True, in order to unleash such a setup, external energy must be applied to it. Only when it reaches certain aerodynamic parameters does it go into generator mode from engine mode.

Combined wind-diesel system

The uneven supply of electricity in large networks is compensated by a large number of installations. It is also possible to compensate for this disadvantage using combined systems, in which there are special devices that distribute the load between the wind power installation (WPP) and the diesel engine. Therefore, autonomous networks of small capacity from 0.5 to 4 MW paired with a diesel engine can operate reliably and evenly. Modern equipment, which saves about 65% of liquid fuel per year, allows you to connect a diesel engine or turn it off in just a few seconds if necessary.

Household wind

Power plants have power from 250 W to 15 kW, can work in conjunction with solar panels, with or without battery. Electricity generated by domestic WPPs is rather expensive, but it often happens that there are simply no other sources. Household wind power plants are produced with a DC generator that charges batteries with a capacity of up to 800 A / h. From such batteries in the house all household appliances can work: TV, electric kettle, etc. The process of charging batteries after disconnecting the load can be quite long, depending on the strength of the wind and the power of the generator. Foreign domestic WPPs on the market also exist, they are quite expensive, but, as a rule, they produce less than half of the rated capacity.

These are the information t6hat you will have to keep in mind in selecting the turbines for you.


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