Medical Assistance In Case of Disasters

Accidents, catastrophes, and natural disasters, accompanied by significant human casualties, are forcing us to reconsider many of the traditional approaches to organizing and providing emergency medical assistance in emergency situations. The number of disasters around the world does not have a downward trend, saving the lives of the victims depends on the timely provision of medical assistance. According to the UN, as a result of natural disasters over the past 20 years, about 3 million people have died in the world.

In such a situation, First Aid skills play a vital role. Erste-Hilfe Kurs München Führerschein reveals the basic principles of medical care in emergencies.

The purpose of First Aid

In emergency situations in the centers of mass destruction, the population is provided with the following types of medical care:

  • first aid;
  • first medical aid;
  • qualified medical care;
  • specialized medical care.

First Aid is a complex of the simplest, urgent, and necessary measures taken before the arrival of a doctor and aimed at preserving life and health. Erste hilfe kurs führerschein münchen teaches that the main goal of First Aid is to save the life of the injured person.

Value of time

With erste hilfe lehrgang you will learn the optimal time for rendering First Aid is up to 30 minutes after injury. When breathing stops, this time is reduced to 5-10 minutes. The importance of the time factor is emphasized at least by the fact that among people who received First Aid within 30 minutes after injury, complications occur 2 times less often than among people who received this type of assistance later than the specified period. München erste hilfe kurs explains that the lack of assistance within an hour after the injury increases the number of deaths among the seriously affected by 30%, up to 3 hours – by 60 the death toll almost doubles.


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