Magneto is the hosting service that is behind 1/3 of the e-commerce websites. Magneto is the first choice of the choice of most integrated shopping platform. The features that Magneto has is beneficial for the businesses. Look for service providers who provide cheap dedicated server 1gbps and also Magneto hosting with proper support. Though Magneto is one of the most powerful hosting services, it needs some professional intervention throughout. Always go for a provider who takes care of all these.
Hardware management
SSDs are more reliable as well as less noisy. But this is not the single important advantage you can enjoy. Though SSDs are a bit expensive compared to HDDs, it comes with low latency and data transfer rate. That is why Magneto loads faster and have high-performance computing or HPC. You can also enjoy SSD based storage and automatic backups with Magneto hosting.
Web server software
A Magneto manager will provide Nginx which is fully optimized. When it comes to handling concurrent hits, Nginx has better ability compared to other options. The traffic on your website will be efficiently handled along with while using lesser amount of memory.
Database optimization
One of the basic requirements for Magneto is regular defragmentation and log cleaning. When it comes to database optimization, Magneto is one of the most demanding. This cleaning process requires the expertise of a professional who will ultimately use his or her experience in making the site perform in a healthy way.
Performance tuning
The amounts of images and static data increases as your business grows. When you choose Magneto hosting, it becomes easier to shift all these data. The provider will help your business to move these huge amounts of data to CDN. This will improve the loading time by removing the burden from the server.