Ketogenic Diet Review

By Easy Bodybuilding Recipes.

ketogenic diet is basically a low carbohydrates diet that is linked with high fat and good protein intake. Such a diet is usually used in order to treat epilepsy that is really hard to control in children. We are basically faced with a diet that will mimic starvation to the point in which the body will start burning fat and not carbohydrates. When our body has little carbohydrates to burn the liver will start turning fat right into ketone bodies and fatty acids. Ketone bodies will eventually replace glucose in the brain and will be used as energy sources. If the human body starts producing ketone bodies we are faced with ketosis.

The Ketogenic Diet only includes as much protein as needed when talking about body repair and growth. It is also built so that we have enough calories to meet with the requirements brought in by the patient’s height and age. In most cases this diet has a ratio of fat to carbohydrates and combined protein of 4 to 1.

When to go for a Ketogenic Diet?

According to experts you should only consider the Ketogenic Diet in the event that different medications have failed in controlling seizures. You can also go for it if the side effects caused by drugs are dangerous for the child. In the event that there are no serious side effects and the drugs are working right the doctor will probably not recommend the use of the ketogenic diet. Keep in mind that it is highly important to always stay up to date with your doctor’s recomendations. He should be the only person that you can trust when thinking about such an important decision.

Ketogenic Diet and Bodybuilding

The ketogenic diet is definitely not recommended for adults and the only reason why we feature it is because we have seen some people that are asking about it. When the human body goes into ketosis we are faced with burning fat and this might be considered good by a bodybuilder. On the other hand, due to the risks of the ketogenic diet this is definitely not a diet that any bodybuilder or adult should even consider.



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