Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber – Treatment, Benefits, And Risks

Water is the elixir of life. We human beings always talk about the availability of pure drinking water. What about oxygen?. Do we know oxygen is the basis of life? The cells and tissues of the human body require oxygen to survive and regenerate. On average, a human being consumes 10,000 to 11,000 liters of oxygen daily. What happens when there is a lack of oxygen, its level in the human body goes down? Life-threatening complications occur. What is the treatment for this?. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is the solution, and the Hyperbaric near me Oxygen chamber is part of that.

The human body starves of oxygen. Issues like gangrene, scuba diving, carbon monoxide poisoning, unhealing wounds, anaerobic bacterial infections, anemia, sinus infections, osteomyelitis, gas embolism, acute ischemia, radiation therapy side-effects, burns, and recently Covid 19, is common. The oxygen levels in the body drop rapidly in Covid 19. In AIDS, the germs multiply in low oxygen. A hyperbaric oxygen chamber is a must for treatment. It is a high pressure, decompression, recompression, or sealed chamber used to treat lack of oxygen in the body. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy oxidizes harmful toxins. Viruses, bacteria are eliminated.

We lay in the oxygen chamber from 2 minutes to 2 hours, and the pressure gradually increased. Loose-fitting clothes and covered wounds, a clean body is a must requirement before the treatment. Multiple sessions are required depending on the severity of the problem and complications. Three sessions treat carbon monoxide poisoning. It can go up to about 40 sessions for non-healing wounds.

Hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatment is considered safe. Like all medical treatments, the hyperbaric oxygen chamber also comes with its share of side effects and complications. Too much oxygen and its radicals, at high pressure, could damage the body and, in rare cases, be life-threatening. DNA of cell damage due to excess pure oxygen. Issues common are middle ear damage, nearsightedness, visual refraction, cataract maturation, claustrophobia, tooth squeeze, oval rupture, barotrauma, pneumothorax, and hypoglycemia. It is advisable not to drive for 2 to 3 hours after hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatment.

Do not ever try hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatment at home. It is dangerous, unsafe, and could lead to fatal injuries and death. Potentially cause a fire at home. Portable hyperbaric oxygen chambers are available online. Best advise getting treatment at a proper health care facility. Chamber with pressure monitoring checks and other safety precautions are a must. FDA approved. The cost is high. $250 to $400 per visit is cost. Insurance companies cover, with pre-authorization. Visit only FDA approved centers.

The benefits of a hyperbaric oxygen chamber far outweigh the risks and complications. It is the only way out to treat oxygen deficiency. Oxygen is abundant in the atmosphere. Understand the importance of oxygen and its value to the environment. Don’t take it for granted and misuse the abundance of it. Pollution causes damage to oxygen levels in the atmosphere. Why breathe unhealthy air. Practice simple breathing exercises at home. Prevention is always better than cure.


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