Flavors Of A Cigar

It is not as common to see cigar smokers as cigarettes, but cigars have a large following worldwide who enjoy this quiet pleasure that can be savored in every puff.

Tasting a cigar can be one of the most captivating moments in life since a whole ritual accompanies this act to honor the tobacco, lengths, and flavors. There is a wide variety that goes from sweet like tatiana vanilla cigars to the most robust flavors like coffee or leather, especially if in this one the client enjoys, besides the brew, all the magic of a centennial world that pays homage to this product that with all reason the locals used to communicate with the gods.

Before starting the lighting ritual, remember that another ceremony is preceded: check it to see if it looks right, what its color is like, what texture is appreciated, if the degree of humidity is ideal, how the layer is stretched. These are some of the details you should consider, besides bringing it closer to the nose and discovering its aroma, still not lit.

If you are not an expert smoker, remember that the thickness and size of the cigar determine, among other things, its smoothness. Therefore, keep in mind three things:

  • The length: depending on whether it is long or short, you will notice the intensity of its flavor as you smoke it. That is why, if you have enough time, always choose a long one, because the maximum aromas will come when you are halfway through.
  • The thickness: a thicker cigar burns slower, so it usually gives a softer aroma than if you choose a thinner one, which will also burn much faster.
  • The color: a great confusion is to think that the darker colored cigars have the most intense aromas, and it doesn’t have to be that way. On the contrary, the darker leaf layers are sweeter.

In tobacco tasting, the first puffs are always despised because the cigar smoke does not yet have its temperature. As they are cold initially, they condense strongly, and the gases that reach the mouth have an unpleasant and irritating taste. It is necessary to let it go to a permanent temperature regime, and the ashes advance to fully enjoy its pleasures. When the combustion regime is established, from approximately one centimeter of ash, it is the ideal moment to analyze the aroma and the complexity of these through its olfactory richness and the flavors generated.

Once in the mouth, like any other product submitted to a tasting, in the cigars, you can perceive sweet notes, woods, candies, animal and herbaceous aromas, etc. Here we show you some labels in which you can identify these aromas.

  • Sweets: these are basic when it comes to tobacco leaves, although some are more supported by caramel notes such as tatiana vanilla.
  • Spicy: smells of cloves, pepper, or nutmeg are also typical of intense and robust cigars.
  • Leather: it is also common to discover this type of animal aromas when smoking a cigar, especially in strong cigars.
  • Soils: sometimes they are combined with woods, with oaks, eucalyptus, mosses, and everything related to the ground, although it is logical because a cigar is composed of tobacco leaves.


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