Gastric Band Surgery
Made famous by celebrities for making weight loss appear easy, gastric band surgery is a simple procedure that does all the hard work for you. Battling willpower, every dieter’s nightmare, could become a thing of the past: but how does it work?
Simple Procedure
Firstly, the surgery itself is laparoscopic, meaning only a couple of small incisions are needed therefore avoiding a nasty scar. During the procedure, a small silicone band is placed around the stomach to divide it into two parts and leave a small pouch above the band. No cutting or stapling is needed so patients return to full health very quickly. The band is adjustable and can be either tightened or loosened as needed to maintain the correct amount of tension. Once applied, the band tricks the body’s senses into making you feel satisfied as soon as the small pouch at the top of the stomach becomes full. For more information see:
No More Hunger Cravings
It is not only patients who have been labelled obese who have benefited from weight loss surgery. While exercise and diet are still considered the most beneficial methods to keep you in good shape, gastric band surgery has been proven to help by allowing dieters to feel satisfied for longer thereby helping dieters beat hunger cravings. As your mind is convinced that your stomach is physically full, the feeling of satisfaction and contentment impacts positively on your mood. An empty stomach leaves you feeling “hangry”, frustrated and snappy as you battle hunger pangs and try to keep on top of your daily life. With a gastric band, you can comfortably live your best life while the pounds still fall away, creating even more mood-enhancing body confidence.
Quick Recovery
Most gastric band patients are fully recovered in as little as two weeks after the procedure and see the weight loss effectiveness straight away. Only an overnight stay in hospital is usually required. For the first week after surgery, soft or liquid foods are recommended with solids reintroduced in the second or third week. A vitamin supplement is usually recommended as a decrease in food intake can make it harder for you to include the full daily requirements of vitamin and mineral intake.
Success Stories
Gastric band surgery can have an immediate impact in helping you lose weight, reducing the risk of type two diabetes and improving a vast range of conditions exacerbated by carrying excess weight. Since you only require a small amount of food to feel full, gastric band wearers need to chew their food carefully and slowly which helps with other digestive conditions. Patients have described the surgery as “life-changing” and have maintained the changes permanently, which is rarely the case with other weight loss initiatives. Click here to read about one person’s experience:
In the past decade, weight loss surgery has increased ten-fold with over 2,500 people opting for surgery in the UK alone. Significantly more people choose to have the surgery abroad, with Europe as a favourite destination for many.
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