If you are an owner of frenchie dog, you should know that this particular breed needs lots of care and attention. This is because they suffer a lot from various health issues and therefore, a lot of care and protection is required. Frenchies are joyful, affectionate and they are very friendly in nature. However, if the dog is not properly taken care of, he might be prone to certain health problems.
Tips to keep a bulldog fit and healthy
Frenchies do not have much energy like the other breeds and they need human support for most of their activities. They are basically known as the attention seeker dogs because they are highly nervous and anxious about separation. They are termed as Velcro Dogs because they crave to get attention from their owners. To shape up your dog’s personality and to avoid any behavioral issues in the long run, here shortlisted are few ways by which you can keep your healthy and fit.
- Go out for multiple walks– Frenchies have the tendency of gaining lots of weight. To avoid obesity, you should take your dog out for multiple walks. This is a must if you want to keep your dog healthy and fit. Try out home activities if the weather outside is too hot or too cold. This is because frenchies cannot tolerate any extremities of weather conditions. You can buy outfit for your dog to take him out. For example, black frenchie dog pajamas are the best choice for you pooch.
- Avoid extreme weather– Bulldogs can tolerate temperature from 20 to 25 degree Celsius. The skull and hips is two most important features of the bulldogs. It is because of this that these bulldogs are prone to overheating and hypothermia. Instead of taking them out on scorching afternoons, try to choose early morning or evenings for walking. Also, these dogs have the tendency to get cold very easily. So extreme cold weather should also be avoided. Consider buying hoodies, booties, jackets, or French bulldog pajamas to protect your dog.
- Choose the right diet– As mentioned above; French bulldogs are prone to a lot of health problems including digestive problems. Therefore, it is important to give the right diet to your dog. Make sure that the food is rich in essential nutrients and minerals and should not contain any added chemicals or colors.
Following these small tips will definitely bring a huge difference to dog’s life. Giving the right costume and the right food is very important to prevent health issues in future.