Ayahuasca introduces us to who we are intrinsically

All of us at times crave to know our real origins and connection with the natural world. So this is where you need to have an intake of the ayahuasca brew to connect with the natural world and evolve as a newer self. This plant liana is found in the native forests of the Amazon river basin in South America. It is called ayahuasca which is psychoactive brew which is prepared from the banisteriopsis caapi and the psychotria viridis shrub along with other components. It is used by the tribal people for special rituals and ceremonies. It has also found a lot of usages in the modern medical world and also help people to release their latent energies and connect with their real selves.

More details

most of our memories are not actually the original information but a version altered by the context so once you consumer this healing brew, your suppressed visions resurface and inner self comes to the forefront. This is under the influence of the hypnosis and therapy of certain mental health experts who claim to be helping the patients. However many times it has been proved that false memories were planted in the patient’s mind. When we witness an event or incident, it becomes embedded in our mind like histories of childhood abuse or trauma leave deep scars. So it is extremely important for us to avail the correct treatment with the ayahuasca brew. Thus it is very necessary to find the right kind of shamans and treatment centers for the ayahuasca help. The complex neuroscientific model  has a lot to do with this aspect. In states of inebriation and toxic states, the individual tends to reach the ultimate level of upper connections with the spirit world and leaves behind his physical self to a great extent. It can be of genuine help in recreating memories of long suppressed childhood traumas and provide relief to the person by creating vivid memories and putting the past to rest.

Conclusive summary

Travelling to drink ayahuasca in the deep jungle should be with a serious mindset to achieve constructive goals. Many people think of it as a lark and play game which is not advisable. You can look online and research about ayahuasca, reliable retreats, shamans and then assess your own life condition. If you really need help then try opting for ayahuasca therapy.


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