CBD has taken the world by storm, and yet, we are still skeptical or confused when it comes to how it might benefit and cure us of our ailments. So let us have a detailed look at the revolutionary product.
CBD is nothing but Cannabidiol, and it’s a cannabinoid found in cannabis and is completely non-intoxicating. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds responsible for triggering the cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors present in the brain and other parts of the body. CBD is the second-most abundant cannabinoid found after Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and has significant therapeutic benefits. THC is the reason behind people getting “high” as it’s a psychoactive cannabinoid.
A total of 113 cannabinoids are present in hemp plants. So where are they cultivated? The answer is- almost everywhere on the planet from China, India, Australia, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands and Hungary to Canada and many others. Against popular belief, CBD extracted from hemp plants doesn’t have psychoactive characteristics like Marijuana. Owing to its numerous medical benefits, it has gained enormous popularity resulting in a market value estimated to be billions of dollars.
Let’s look at the advantages of this miracle drug:
- Helps in reducing anxiety: Anxiety is how the body responds to fear, and it can be in the form of panic or social and generalized anxiety disorders, and even result in severe phobias. Anxiety can manifest itself by causing restlessness, reducing sleep and concentration, and increasing the heartbeat. CBD oil gold drops help improve the mood, reduces stress, and pulse while curing insomnia. For people with Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), it acts as an antidepressant and stress reliever.
- Helps prevent neurodegenerative diseases and tumors: Some examples of such ailments are Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and Huntington’s disease. They are caused by the worsening of the health of neurons and have been affecting people globally. Common symptoms include loss of memory, mood swings, anxiety, agitation, and apathy towards daily activities. CBD is rich in antioxidants and acts as a neuroprotectant and prevents damage by stunting the effects of harmful radicals and reversing cognitive impairment. It can also stall the growth of tumors and inhibit them from spreading. Hence, it’s used in the treatment of brain, lung, breast, and colon cancer.
- Helps as a pain-reliever: Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of joints in the body caused by age or injury or weight issues, or bacterial/viral infection and can even be genetic. Joints become swollen and stiff resulting in excessive pain and even problems with walking. CBD possesses analgesic properties, thus reducing the swelling and pain. Also, it can be used to treat acne as it helps with the swelling and stops excessive oil secretion keeping skin radiant and glowing.
- Helps in treating Epilepsy: Epilepsy can restrict the normal functioning of the brain, causing seizures and abnormal behavior followed by unconsciousness. CBD can drastically reduce the symptoms and cure epilepsy.
- Helps reduce the chances of Diabetes: Diabetes increases the sugar level in the bloodstream abnormally as the body is not able to produce or use insulin effectively. CBD treatment can be used because of its anti-selling characteristics.
- Helps cure substance addiction: CBD reduces the craving and anxiety associated with substance and alcohol abuse reducing nausea, mood swings, muscle pain, and other symptoms.
The most appealing way of using CBD is in the form of pure oil, but it can be taken in many other forms like capsules, liquid solution drops, or as smoke or vapor. Also, full spectrum hemp drops are globally a rage now, and there is ample reason behind it as it goes way beyond than being just a source of CBD. Full spectrum hemp drops, a CBD formula packed with a variety of cannabinoids along with proteins, essential nutrients, and healthy fats result in a holistically balanced mix. So unlike synthetic cannabinoids, they contain a healthy dose of many essential vitamins and minerals, protein, fatty acids, fiber, chlorophyll, flavonoids, and terpenes.