Why do you keep having yeast infections?

Yeast infections are called recurrent infections if they occur more than four times a year. If you keep having recurrent yeast infections, then you and your healthcare provider like the top Internal medicine specialist in Lahore need to take a different approach.

What are yeast infections?

Yeast infections are caused most commonly by candida albicans fungus. This yeast is normally present in the vagina as well, however, it is kept in balance by the good bacteria in the vagina, lactobacillus. An overgrowth of fungus might be because the good bacteria is fewer in number.

Many women experience yeast infection in their life time, however, recurrent infections warrant a complete workup. Vaginal yeast infection is not a sexually transmitted disease, however, the risk of it increases after first sexual activity.

What are the causes of recurrent vaginal infections?

Genetic mutation of immune system

In normal circumstances, the body’s immune system is able to recognize the yeast infection and fight it off. However, people with genetic mutation of the immune system the body is not able to manufacture the proteins needed to launch a defense. This genetic link explains how some infections run in families.

Wearing pantyliners

Moisture is essential for yeast growth. Women who are prone to yeast infections often use panty liners. Panty liners can trap moisture and prevent flow of air, creating the ideal moist conditions for yeast infections. In fact, according to researchers, yeast can become concentrated on panty liners, making them worse.


As mentioned before, our immune system is usually able to handle yeast infections and fight them off. However, in certain conditions, the immune system is unable to handle this task. For instance, in case someone is taking immunosuppressants to treat diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, or have received organ transplant, they can become susceptible to recurring yeast infections. Steroids are one such medication that can make it hard for the body to fight yeast.


Certain diseases also make one susceptible to yeast infections, including diabetes. Uncontrolled diabetes causes high blood sugar levels which can help the fungus grow wild. In fact, even eating a lot of carbohydrates can set up conditions that are ideal for fungal growth. Candida can also overgrow in the intestines under similar conditions, leading to low energy, depression and irritability.

Other health conditions that attack the immune system include HIV and leukemia. Recurring and chronic yeast infections that don’t respond to treatment could be an early sign of HIV.


Women who use wheelchairs are more at risk of yeast infections. Sitting on wheelchairs creates moist environment for the growth of yeast. For women who use wheelchairs, it’s a good idea to use anti-fungal powders and skin-protective ointments.


In the perimenopausal time, the hormones undergo some ups and downs. These in turn can lead to recurrent yeast infections. So, for someone who is approaching menopause, there can be recurrent fungal infections.

However, if you have already crossed menopause, then recurring yeast infections could hint at something much more serious, like vulvar cancer, and warrant a check-up by best Internal medicine specialist in Lahore.


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