Learn how to write good poems if you desire to see growth in your poetry. Though there are no sanctioned writing rules, there are structures in place that will help you excel.
If you are a beginner poet, take these as basics to get you on your poetry feet sooner.
How to Write Good Poetry?
Here are the rules for writing good poems.
- Read a lot of poetry.
- Start small
- Listen to live poetry recitations
- Tell a story with your poem.
- Don’t obsess over the first line
- Get familiar with a variety of poetry types
- Paint with words
- Connect with other poets.
Read A Lot of Poetry.
If you are passionate about writing poetry, begin by reading a lot of poetry. Take previously written poems by your favorite poets and let the words wash over you without necessarily digging deeper for the meanings. Or you can take a poem and dissect it and find the underlying meaning of the poems. Or you can also retrieve the symbolisms in poems or line by line analysis of different poems’ styles.
Start Small
Simple rhyming poems or a haiku may be more suitable when you start than the narrative epics. Simple poems are less intimidating when delving into poetry writing. Learning to write simple quality poems will prepare you for the more challenging ones in poetry competitions.
Listen to Live Poetry Recitations
You can consume poetry through music. You can listen to poems being read in coffee houses and book stores. Listening to good poetry being read helps you appreciate the beauty of its construction, such as clever rhymes and stressed syllables.
Tell A Story with Your Poem.
The ideas one expresses in a novel, essay, or short stories can also be expressed through a poem. The main objective is communication, and poetry is well able to deliver on that.
Don’t obsess over the first line
If you do not have the correct words to begin the first line, write on and come to the first line later. First, write the rest of the poem. Don’t dwell so much on the first line, as is common among beginner poets.
Get Familiar with A Variety of Poetry Types
Every type of poem has its own set of requirements that differentiates it from another. It could be subject matter, rhyme scheme, meter, or the number of lines. Whichever style of poetry you choose to pursue, you must know the requirements that govern that kind of style.
Paint with words
This means using concrete images to communicate an emotion to a reader’s mind. In visual art, painting pictures usually describe representing objects and people for viewers to see with their eyes. In creative writing, painting with words refers to using words to communicate objects and people into readers’ minds.
Connect with Other Poets.
You will connect with other poets during poetry classes or poetry readings and even in poetry competitions. The beauty of joining an artistic community is that other poets will read your work and even provide feedback on your first draft.
Follow these rules to the latter, and success will be a guarantee in poetry writing.
Find More Information, about free poetry contests.