Black and mild cigars are a kind of cigars made by Middleton Company and they are sold in different flavours such as vanilla, chocolate, apple. Black and mild cigars are considered as Middleton’s finest tobacco product
The effect of black and mild cigars totally depends on the duration of hit and puff you take. Nowadays major smokers are not aware of the fact that cigars are not for inhaling they are actually meant for puffing. The smoke should not be inhaled into your lungs. Black and mild cigars are meant to hold some smoke you breathe, and then blow it out through your mouth.
Black and mild is a kind of small cigar which is short and narrow. Black and mild cigars contain more tobacco content than the usual cigars and it is smoked through a plastic tip. It is a less expensive product and we can buy it in individual packages.
There are so many negative effects for black and mild cigars such as cancer risk, addiction, second-hand smoke, heart and lung disease, oral health etc. Black and mild cigars increase the risk of cancer it never depends on whether he inhales or not. Nicotine present in the black and mild cigars has the ability to make the smoker an addict. And it increases the risk to anyone in the same room or near the smoker. And it also has other problems besides cancer such as oral health. It can lead to tooth loss and loss of the jawbone. Another negative effect of cigar smoking on the mouth includes stained and yellow teeth and bad breath.
Unlike cigarettes, cigars are composed of tobacco which is fermented. During this fermentation process, huge level of carcinogenic nitrosamines is produced as a result of this when you smoke cigar these cancer-causing compounds are injected into your body in a ha-huge amount. Black and mild cigar contains the number of toxic substances like ammonia, cadmium, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide. Due to this if you are a regular long-time smoker your exposure to these dangerous chemicals is increased according to some reports, the lung cancer rate is low in the cigar smokers than in cigarette smoker risk is more in the cause of coronary heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Black and mild tobacco are prepared using broad cut black Cavendish, thick cubed surely from Kentucky and best golden Virginia tobaccos and this recipe tempt the user and as a result, they get the addict over this mild silky smooth pipe tobacco flavour and aroma.
There are different varieties of cigars are available along with black and mild cigars and some of them are an apple, blues, casino, cream. Black and mild cigars are available in different kind such as single package; pack of five or in twenty-five.
The main reasons for the cause of the concern of black and mild cigars are the wild availability, low price and frequent use of the little cigar will make you more attached to illusion than in reality.